Sunday, June 17, 2012

Happy Father's Day

My family and I would like to wish all Dads a Happy  Father's Day, and also to the single mothers who have to fill both roles..

I was adopted at age 10, so I have a birth father as well as the amazing, honorable man I consider and call my dad.

Less then a month ago, I almost lost my father. He was in the hospital and, at one point, he needed to be resuscitated 3 times with CPR and paddles.

I'm very happy to tell you he is on his way to a full recovery after a few surgeries.  As I write this, he is at a rehab center, and looking forward to returning to his retirement complex soon.

For this reason, Father's Day has become more important to me than in past years.  It has also caused me to reflect on our relationship, and just how much my father means to me.

My Dad and I are two very different people. We often see things differently as well.  My mom was often the peacemaker. Since she passed away 3 years ago, we have had to work hard on our relationship.  It's not always easy or fun, but always worth it.  We have come a long way together.

I'm so thankful for all that he has done for me.  I will never forget that he, along with my mom, chose me to adopt. I wasn't the easiest child to raise growing up, and that is a large understatement.  I still have my moments.  He does a lot for my children as well.

One of my dad and mine's favorite family stories is from when I was newly adopted.  My grandfather had run my dad down over something new he was trying.  I took offense, and got in his face about it.  This was just something you didn't do to my grandfather; no one dared to confront him.  Anyway, when things calmed down, my dad got his first apology from his own father... we often laugh about it now.  In fact it was one of the first things he talked about with me after coming out of surgery.

When I was growing up, most Saturday's were time with dad.  We went to local high school football games, to attractions in the area, to state parks, out for ice cream or McD's, and much more...  we had some crazy adventures together.  Some of my favorite memories are going to the beach in Stonington, seeing where he lived as a teen, and taking a ferry ride across the Connecticut River.

I try to have many adventures with my own children.  I really hope I'm helping to create great memories that will last a lifetime. Maybe they will be inspired to have great adventures with their own children in time.

My father is an amazing man.  I love him so much!  I'm now hitting that stage in life where I've stopped fighting being like my parents, and instead realize it's not a bad thing that, in some ways,  I'm just like him.

Again, have a most joyous Father's Day,
Goddess Blessing )O(

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