Sunday, June 10, 2012

Spinach Provencal

The following recipe has a great family story attached to it....

One Thanksgiving, my grandparents along with my favorite aunt headed to another family member's house who was hosting this holiday feast.

As the story goes, the hostess, was upset that this dish was not what she would call a "traditional" dish for this meal. My personal reaction to this was to only eat this dish for my meal that afternoon.

Anyone who knows me, knows my great love of meat. So, this was making a major statement even at a young age.

Later in life, I have made this for my children, and my former in-laws. Everyone, who has eaten this Spinach Provencal it has become an instant classic, and they requested it often. If you love garlic and cheese, this is for you!!

2 lb. fresh spinach

1 large onion

1 to 3 cloves of garlic

olive oil

2 eggs, beaten

1 to 1 1/2 cups fresh grated parmesan

salt and fresh ground black pepper

1) Wash and drain well the spinach leaves carefully, breaking off the thick stems, and the hard work is over.  Chop the onion and mince the garlic (or put thru garlic press). Heat the olive oil in a very large kettle and saute the onion and garlic in it for a few minutes. When the onion is transparent, add the spinach and cover tightly. In about 2-4 minutes the spinach leaves will be reduced to a fraction of their former bulk, and you can stir them in with oil and onions. Cook a few minutes longer and remove from heat.

2) Butter a medium size baking dish (I use a glass, 2qt). When the spinach has cooled slightly, stir in 2 beaten eggs and 1/2 of the grated parmesan. Season with salt and pepper to taste, and pour mixture into baking dish. Sprinkle remaining cheese over the top.

3) Bake in 375 degree oven for about 10-15 minutes, and serve steaming hot

Serves: 4 (as a main dish)

Note -- The picture in this entry was taken from the internet after an image search on Goggle

1 comment:

  1. Wow, that looks delicious! We sometimes serve non-traditional foods too and fortunately, no one has ever complained. They're just happy to eat. :o)
