Tuesday, June 5, 2012

My Introduction

Merry Meet and Welcome,

This is a start of a new adventure for me, and I hope you'll join me on it.

I have lived with my children in Utah for almost 3 years now, but I have never felt like a local. I don't really fit in very well, which is a mixed blessing at best.

I have developed over the years a strong moral center within myself. Also, a highly tuned sense of right and wrong, fair or unfair. I'm also a strong believer in social justice, civil rights, and human rights.

I'm a member of the Democratic Party. It's the best fit for me out of the two national political parties. I have to admit at times though I feel at odds with my own party. I feel the Democrats are moving in a more center - right direction, and there is no one to really represent me as a true liberal and progressive. I'm looking for the Robert Kennedy of my generation. I want to vote for someone who inspires me, not just vote for the best option because the other party has nominated someone who is very much out of touch with core American values, the needs of the average citizen, the proper role of the federal government, the US Constitution, and international law.

I also practice a non-mainstream faith. I'm a Pagan, and an Eclectic Witch. I believe in both Goddesses and Gods. There is an alter set up in the living room of my apartment, you can't miss it if you stop by or come for a visit. My Children and I attend a local temple (or church) that welcomes all the traditions and paths that are under the Pagan banner. I love sharing my faith with other, but in no means will I push it on someone else. There is no missionary program, the individual person has to search for themselves if interested. As a Pagan, I believe everyone follows their own path in this life, so what is right and works for me may very well not work for you. In this way I respect all faith and religions while still being able to disagree with some of the stands or views they promote.

As You can see, I'm out spoken, and at times can be to blunt for my own good. For better or worse, I stand up boldly for my views, and what I believe in.

These are all great qualities to have, so you might find yourself asking what's the problem?

I live behind the "Zion Curtain" and in the very heart of Mormon America. The world headquarters for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter -Day Saints (Mormon, LDS, FLDS) is just a few miles away. I don't think I could be anymore different from the overwhelming majority of residents of Utah.

I grew up and came of age in the New England section of the country. I spent ten years living in Las Vegas, and now I'm in Salt Lake City. Each place has help me learn about myself and helped define who I am today.

My goal for this blog is to share my family's life, our values, our struggles, the places we visit or attend regularly, politics, my personal views on many different subjects, parenting, current events (local, national, international), faith or religion (our and others), sports, recipes (own, family, or found), reviews, and much more from a very unique perspective, and voice that hasn't been heard from.

I love comments, and as a strong believe in our 1st amendment right to freedom of speech, I encourage polite debate on my blog. I want to know, and I'm interested in your reactions, thoughts, and views...

In this way, I see my children and I as New American Pioneers, blazing our own personal trail through Utah, the West, and America itself.

Merry Meet, Merry Part, and Merry Meet Again,
Goddess Bless America,
Blessed Be )O(

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