Friday, June 22, 2012

My Vote: President Obama Vs Rocky Anderson

Here in the State of Utah, they  have the longest current streak of voting Republican in presidential elections of any state in the country.

This year the powerful, relentless, Mormon (LDS, FLDS) Political Machine will be in over drive. Ward lists will be used to put extreme pressure on members to get out and vote for one of their own, Mitt Romney.  It's very clear to me, that no matter how I vote, Romney will win Utah, and its Electoral College votes.

Inside myself, I'm having a debate. Do I vote for Barack Obama or do I vote for Rocky Anderson. Although the election isn't 'til November, it's a question that troubles me.

I like President Obama well enough. Even with a do nothing, Republican controlled, Congress, he has had an amazing number of successes.  On top of that, he has to deal with the blatantly raciest, Tea Party.

I don't like that in the attempt to be bi-partisan, the president is to quick to "compromise" and caves in so fast.  An example of this is what happen to the public option with his historic, health care reform law. By giving up on this important part of the original bill, the president has hurt, my family, and lots of Americans.

After 3 plus years in office, it's clear to me that Obama was packaged as a progressive, but is in all reality a hard core centralist.  To the point one could refer to him as "republican light".

I want a true progressive, someone to inspire me, and our nation.

Could former, Salt Lake City Mayor, and Justice Party founder, Rocky Anderson II, be that person?

Rocky's politics are much closer to what I personally believe in my heart of hearts. He is a solid, unapologetic, progressive. He has dedicated his life to Social Justice, Human Rights, and Civil Rights.

He is largely responsible for many of the after-school, and summer programs that my children now benefit from, and enjoy.

Rocky, as mayor, was vital to the over whelming success of the Salt Lake 2002 Winter Olympic game.

 A hands on leader, Rocky Anderson was one of the first people to call for the impeachment of Bush over the War in Iraq. He has called Bush along with high ranking members of his administration, war criminals. He believes, as many do, that they should be prosecuted for ordering that torture be used on terrorists, prisoners of war, and civilians

There have been a few miss steps along the way. The one that stands out to me most is the "highway to no where". Legacy Highway on paper may have seemed like a perfect idea, but once built it was, and continues to be a disaster.

I know who I'm not voting for, that is Mitt Romney, but which of the above men do I vote for? I honestly don't know, but I do have a little bit of time to work it out, and decide.

If I end up voting for Obama, it will be mainly because, I want to run up the popular vote as the president heads to a second term. I also really like his running mate, Vice President Joe Biden. His senate office in 2006 -07 sent me lots of speeches, and other information before his run for the White House. I also spent a great deal of time in Biden's Las Vegas campaign office leading up to the 2008 Iowa Caucuses.

If I end up voting for Rocky Anderson, It will be mostly be symbolic. It would also send a protest message to the power that be in the Democratic Party politics not to wander too far right -center.  That will cause them to lose the true progressive, and their own base.

What should I do?!? I would love to hear some feedback.. Please leave a comment, advice, or both.

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